Monday, April 25, 2016

Transition Year

A house is not a home. Life as we know it can change in a second. There's no turning back. No point looking back. Does one believe the best years are behind, or ahead? That makes life a world of a difference. Glimmer of hope. Things to look forward to. Is there really any difference whether one is 50, 60, 70, 80, 90...100? Change is happening all the time. Design our life? Are we possessed by our possessions? If we don't build our dream, someone else will hire us to build theirs. Do we sell our time to others to build their dreams? Or do we buy people's time and talent to build our dreams. Does it mean that if God hasn't taken people home to heaven, that their calling on earth is still not complete? So God in His mercy allows more time for us to 'get it'. This is four months into 2016. Nonagenarian golfing has been the mainstay. The rest has been networking galore, 'carouselling', South Africa, some freelance work (never enough), attending courses related to some of my responsibilities. 2015 was fantastic, by the way. 

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